ingredients: chlorella, tahini, raw honey, blueberries, bee pollen, pumpkin seeds, sea salt

ingredients: chlorella, tahini, raw honey, blueberries, bee pollen, pumpkin seeds, sea salt

Of all the things anyone has said to me,  ‘take care’, while simple…had a dynamic impact on my psyche. Actually, it was two persons that I was close to during one of the darkest phases of this shadow called depression who told me I should be taking better care of myself. Matter of fact, one of them specifically said “Kate, if you took care of yourself you would be one of the most powerful people I know.” I argued with him that I do not crave power. I was wrong. Personal power is a strong motivator. The ability to not only positively impact my life, but the lives of those around me is an important part of my journey.

It’s been a rough week, having to postpone counseling therapy, I was frustrated, scared, and frankly feeling more than a little sorry for myself. However, I also realized that I had been focusing so much on therapy work, and was beginning to get lazy with my body’s needs. Eating more processed foods, drinking coffee as a thermos full was always available during the day, letting my yoga fall to the wayside. So…here I am again, focusing on my raw/super/whole food lifestyle (attempt). I’ve been doing a little research on the role iodine plays in thyroid function. Being of the opinion that my thyroid is not participating as it should in my body’s efforts to combat this depression, I’m incorporating seaweed, kelp and chlorella into my diet as these are excellent sources of iodine.

This morning, I made one of my staples for the freezer…energy bars. I decided to focus on chlorella intake for the week. They are simple, no cook, mix and eat goodness for the body. I am no nutritionist, or health food expert…so I’ve included none of the dietary nutrients or calories/fat….tho I can guarantee you these are calorie laden high energy yummies. I am less concerned with weight than I am nutritional impact. So…here is the recipe 🙂

looks gross...tastes good :)

looks gross…tastes good 🙂


6 tablespoons Chlorella, 1 cup Pumpkin Seeds, 1 cup dried Blueberries, 1/4 cup Tahini, 1/4 cup Raw Honey, 1/4 cup Bee Pollen, 1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt

Mix all together and smoosh into mini muffin tins or roll into tablespoon size balls. This recipe makes @ 20 mini muffin sized energy bars 🙂 I usually freeze mine and take out 1-2 per day … I start with one a day and build up to two or three.

Here is where I got the stuff:

Sea Salt:  < this is one of my most favorite shops…ever 🙂


Honey and Bee Pollen:

Pumpkin Seeds, Blueberries, and Tahini were purchased at my local health food store

***Care should be taken when adjusting the amounts of iodine ingested to avoid overdose. Personal research and consultation with a physician should be used when making any dietary lifestyle change of this sort***

raw/super/whole food energy bars

raw/super/whole food energy bars

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You can find my creative expressions at Rootiebirds ~ Etheric Jewelry to Adorn Your Authentic Self